Is it really worth it?
05/13/2011 10:27Several people have asked me if the hassle of rebates is really worth it. My answer is almost always YES! I say "almost" because I do not bother with rebates that are for merchandise that I truly will not be able to use or donate. Otherwise, I have found that the rebates are worth the time that it takes me to submit them. I have gotten a lot of great free merchandise, received many checks and gift cards, and obtained a number of things that I have been able to donate. The only cost to me was a stamp (if it is not submitted online) and a little bit of time. If you are organized, a rebate doesn't take more than a few minutes to submit. You can read more about organization tips in my Organizing Your Rebates post.
Not only do I get my money back, but I generally also receive future benefits from the company as well. For most companies, the rebate money actually comes from their marketing budget because the goal is to support sales by attracting new customers and offering incentives to current customers. As you probably already know, companies collect your personal information such as your name, address, phone number, and email address on the rebate forms. They can use this information to send you future offers such as coupons, promotions, and even private sales. If you do not want them to use your information for future marketing, you can just let them know. Most of the time there is a box on the rebate form to indicate your preferences.
Starting out, submitting rebates can be frustrating because many manufacturers and retailers like to make it difficult for you to get your money back. I have posted some great tips in my article Winning at the Rebate Game. Hopefully these tips will ease your frustration, make you more successful at getting your money back the first time, and help you increase your rebate submissions so that you can get your hard earned money back.